Laws pertaining to the Planet Guardian Program

The Guardian program is based on, or in reaction to, the following Laws, ACTS and the UN statutes: 

  • The Integrated Waste Management Act of 2010, requires the source generator to separate dry property, wet/compostable materials and true waste (property with no beneficial social, financial or environmental are the only related municipal responsibilities) from the landfill Airstream at source, but separate municipal collections are not mandated.
  • The Constitution of 1996, protects/stipulates that the Right of the Child to a safe, clean and liveable, development-capable environment is protected, inferring a stable and crime-free, growing economy which in South Africa, is based on the Right to own, trade, exchange and sell Property, the ownership of which is exchanged via a gift, transaction or instead of work, but never arbitrarily or its theft.
  • Section 25 of the Bill of Rights, being the protection of property and clarifies that the expropriation of movable property, in and out of the wheelie bin including garden waste (which is a derivative of the natural growth of an asset/property) activating compensation at a value established in a court of law, which shall reference values which include Carbon tax; Landfill Airspace; the recyclable value of the property as a unit and compacted; payment to contractor paid to collect and remove the property from the source and surrounding challenged communities and thereby artificially increase through economic sabotage at the grassroots levels the crimes against humanity which bleed through into the formal economy in the form of survivalist-motivated home, farm and business invasions which increase crime-related municipal income streams of property rates and sales of electricity.
  • Section 152 of the Constitution sets out the five focus areas of Municipalities:

Provide democratic and accountable government.

Provide services in a sustainable manner.

Promote social and economic development.

Promote a safe and healthy environment.

Encourage the involvement of communities.

  • UN Agenda 2030, warning of the potential death of 85% of the population living on 5% of the landmass through civil war, starvation and vaccination. By stimulating the local social, financial and environmental economy, including providing the government departments and related businesses with access to the commercially unemployable people participating in this program in ways suitable for themselves, and without any judgment nor impairment of human dignity, to provide relevant education which must include HIV Aids/COVID 19 information; the principles of shack and veld fire-fighting; financial guidance in which the unbanked going the banking economy as well as urban farming, solar-powered cooking, solar-powered desiccation for storage of the produce, thereby allowing for barter to take place amongst equals. We are also moving away from fossil fuels in farming.
  • Various Criminal laws pertaining to collusion; to interacting with, materially and financially supporting syndicates dealing with or in stolen property; laws pertaining to supporting or funding the creation, or expansion, of crimes against humanity, including through economic sabotage, and being aware at all times that ignorance of the law is no defence. For example, international bank loans to such organizations would automatically be nullified as the lender did not due their due diligence and most municipalities are cross-funded which means all ratepayers, permit buyers, traffic fine payers and even a portion of the electricity sales would have been used, making all criminals.
  • Raffle-related laws, where subscribers to, or members of an organization, can participate in a limited spread, and locally effective, raffles. We intend to be raffling off urban farm table gardens, books and courses; repaired roadworthy vehicles used to teach women how to drive, maintain and repair their vehicles; subscriptions as well such products that the local participating business, skills trainers and householders want to share. The goals of the raffles will vary according to community requirements but be clearly stated.
  • We are currently unsure if there are actual or emotional/intellectual laws/rules about the use of fossil fuel-backed fertilizers, but through the introduction of Biochar and Electroculture to the mainstream, we will be removing the need for, and ultimately the use of, such extensive and expensive poisons from our food and plant supplies and eventually, from the land, water and air itself.
  • There are other reasons too, but these are some of the major ones