As we tackle numerous nationally shared socio-economic and environmental challenges through locally focused, community-drivenmodular initiatives that reduce crime, create food security, educate, and stimulate the economy, our programmes, such as Mr. Recycle of 2001, continue to serve as Africa's empowerment models.

We present the Golden Standard, the "Guardian Module".
“Creating Tomorrow’s Leaders and Citizens with a Caring, Mutually Responsible, Moral Disposition” 

Our focus areas include:
 property and waste management, job creation, crime reduction, empowerment, mentorship, community upliftment, and innovative, sustainable urban farming practices.

Promoting responsible waste disposal, composting and recycling:
We hope to reduce pollution, divert property from landfills, and create job opportunities while stimulating the local economy and ensuring local food security.

Through skills training and mentorship:
 We intend to equip individuals with trade skills for employment as knowledgeable, valued assistants, and later as business owners.

We hope to mentor and integrate former non-violent offenders safely into our communities through vegetable gardening, thereby fostering reconnection, local business, and food security while innovatively reducing societal issues such as home, farm, business, and land invasions as well as violence

  Protect your peace, which includes your loved ones.
Simply put, we are providing holistic management for our communities.
Together, we can and have to.