Property, defined as movable or fixed; solid, liquid, or gas, is that which you own and are legally responsible for as a result of a transaction, gift, or in lieu of labour.

National Integrated Waste Management Act:
Prevents property from going to landfills by requiring the separation, at source and before municipal collection, of property from waste. Separate municipal collections and processing are, however, not required.

Property is broken down into three classes:

Dry property: recyclable packaging materials, community donations, and electrical discards.

Wet/Compostable property:
Your kitchen-generated property and garden-generated materials, which can be composted, are the natural growth of a protected asset.

Waste property: "the game-changer.".
Waste is defined as property that has no recoverable social, financial, or environmental value. (Not recycling, nor compost property!)

By law, waste must be disposed of in municipally provided, suitable containers, serviced by municipally appointed, waste-licensed contractors. Not us.

All of this is important because:
The constitution protects our right to own property, and if our property is being expropriated for public benefit purposes (e.g., municipal-driven, ratepayer-funded recycling programs destroying local work opportunities, and worse), compensation at a value as established in a court of law is mandated.
At municipal values of R20 000/ton, backdated to 2006 when their program began, our compensation is substantial.